Built In Merge Tags
The merge tag variables available to use in a campaign depend on the fields you have created in the brand. However, there are some merge tag variables that are always available.
Tag | Description |
*|CAMPAIGN:ID|* | ID of the campaign. |
*|_ID|* | ID of the contact. |
*|UNSUB|* | URL to the contact's unsubscribe page. |
*|VIEW|* | URL to view the camapaign in the browser. ("View in Browser" link) |
Using the if merge tag you can make the content of your campaigns conditional on the attributes of the contact. The ELSE section is optional.
*|IF:STATUS = 'paid'|*
<p>Thank you for subscribing!</p>
<p><a href="#">Subscribe now and receive 10% off</a></p>
The if merge tag can also include 1 or more ELSEIF sections:
*|IF:STATUS = 'paid'|*
<p>Thank you for subscribing!</p>
*|ELSEIF:STATUS = 'cancelled'|*
<p><a href="#">We want you back! Join now and receive 10% off</a></p>
<p><a href="#">Subscribe now and receive 10% off</a></p>
The following operators may be used with the if merge tag:
Operator | Description |
= | Equal*|IF:STATUS = 'paid'|* |
!= | Not Equal*|IF:STATUS != 'paid'|* |
gt | Greater than*|IF:AGE gt 30|* |
lt | Less than*|IF:AGE lt 30|* |
gte | Greater than or equal*|IF:AGE gte 30|* |
lte | Less than or equal*|IF:AGE lte 30|* |
You can use IFNOT to check if a contact attribute is an empty string, false, 0, or unset.
<p><a href="#">Please let a friend know about our site!</a></p>
function to provide a default value for a variable when it is not defined or has an empty value.
Example | Description |
*|DEFAULT:FIRST_NAME, 'Friend'|* | When contact has a first name available, output their first name. Otherwise, output the word friend. |
Date Format
function to format a date/time into the desired format.
Example | Description |
*|DATE_FORMAT:'%Y'|* | Output the current four digit year ex. 2020 |
*|DATE_FORMAT:'%Y-%m-%d'|* | Output the current year, month, and day ex. 2020-11-30 |
*|DATE_FORMAT:'%m/%d/%Y'|* | Output the current month, day, and year ex. 11/30/2020 |
*|DATE_FORMAT:'%d/%m/%Y'|* | Output the current day, month, and year ex. 30/11/2020 |
*|DATE_FORMAT:'%B %d, %Y'|* | Output month name, day, and year ex. November 30, 2020 |
*|DATE_FORMAT:'%Y-%m-%d',RSSITEM:PUB_DATE|* | Output the year, month, and day of the current RSS item published date |
Format codes
Code | Description | Example |
%B | Long month | January |
%b | Short month | Jan |
%m | Month number | 01 |
%A | Long week day | Monday |
%a | Short week day | Mon |
%d | Day of month | 02 |
%H | Hour (24 hr clock) | 15 |
%I | Hour (12 hr clock) | 03 |
%M | Minutes | 04 |
%S | Seconds | 05 |
%Y | Long year | 2006 |
%y | Short year | 06 |
%p | AM/PM | PM |
%Z | Timezone | MST |
%z | Numeric Timezone | -0700 |
Use the SAFE
function to indicate that a variable should be output as HTML. Safe is helpful when you have a variable containing HTML that needs to be output as is, without any escaping.
Example | Description |
*|SAFE:MY_HTML|* | Outputs the value of the variable MY_HTML without HTML escaping. |
Use the URL
function to urlencode a variable.
Example | Description |
*|URL:FIRST_NAME|* | Outputs the value of FIRST_NAME url encoded. |
Updated almost 4 years ago